Warmly welcome Mr. Ma Qiulin the Vice-governor of Jiangsu Province, and His Delegation to Visit GEM Taixing Industrial Park
Publish Date:2020-04-13 Hits:808

On March 19, 2020, Mr. Ma Qiulin, the vice governor ofJiangsu Province, accompanied by Zhang Lefu, deputy secretary general of theprovincial government, deputy director of the Provincial Industry andInformation Technology Department, Yu Jinhong, director of the second secretaryoffice of the provincial government, Zhu Lifan, deputy secretary of the TaizhouMunicipal Committee and mayor of Taizhou. deputy mayor Zhang Yulin of Taizhou,visited GEM (Jiangsu) Cobalt Co., Ltd. They visited the World’s first Coboaltindustrial museum, which is built by GEM, and the construction of GEM’s “6S” factory.Professor Xu Kaihua, chairman of GEM, and Zhang aiqing, vice general manager ofGEM, warmly welcomed the vice-governor Ma Qiulin and his delegation.

In the Cobalt Museum, chairman Xu Kaihua introduced how GEMused the industry extension of Cobalt products to extend the application ofCobalt from basic material to strategic metal and special alloy, to “the bloodof new energy industry”, and now to the tune of “5G era” and “new energyvehicle era” with a bright future. High-tech products such as digital power cathodematerials and new energy automobile cathode precursor materials produced by GEMhave entered the supply chain of mainstream companies in the world. Afterwards,chairman Xu Kaihua accompanied vice governor Ma Qiulin visited the safety,environment and production control center of GEM Taixing industrial park. Thecenter centrally controls the company\'s waste management, the whole process ofwhich is subject to social supervision as the monitoring screen is updated andopen to the public in real-time feed. Visual safety management and digitalsafety monitoring allows comprehensive management of production information.The vice-governor Ma Qiulin and his delegation expressed their high affirmationand sincere appreciation for GEM\'s safety and environmental protection work andthe intelligent construction of the park.

During the visit, chairman Xu Kaihua comprehensivelyintroduced to vice-governor Ma Qiulin that GEM thoroughly implemented thespirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping\'s important instructions and thedecision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, and paid closeattention to the prevention and control of epidemics and the resumption ofproduction. GEM Taixing Park actively carries out green transformation,implements "6S" factory construction, comprehensively implements thetransformation and upgrade from traditional smelting to new energy materialsgreen industry, builds a national cobalt product research and developmentcenter, archieve innovation and upgrade, and allows industrial civilization toenter the industrial park practices the upgrading of industrial culture.

Vice Governor Ma Qiulin listened carefully and praised thatas a leading company in the circular economy and new energy battery materialsindustry, GEM took the lead in integrating resources to contribute to theprevention and control of the epidemic, which was quite a social responsibilityperformance. At the same time, he highly appreciated the strategic concept ofGEM\'s "6S" factory. It is even more rare and applaudable that GEM hasimplemented the "6S" transformation without using new land, which hasincreased the output value. GEM is carrying out disruptive innovation aroundthe real economy, creating a high-tech green industry through globalintegration, and building a global supply chain of cobalt resources, which isfully in line with the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of theCommunist Party of China, and Jiangsu Province\'s strategy of “integrating twoand one high” by focusing on innovation, enriching the people, and building awell-off society at a high level.


Pic 1 vice governor Ma Qiulin and his delegation visit theCobalt Museum of GEM


Pic 2 vice governor Ma Qiulin and his delegation visit thesafety, environment and production control center of GEM Taixing IndustrialPark

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