Warmly welcome the Indonesia Master students of Metallurgical Engineering from Central South University visit GEM
Publish Date:2020-05-15 Hits:844

On December 21st, 2019, 21 Indonesiastudents of Metallurgical Engineering Master Class jointly established by theGEM · Central South UniversityCSU· Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment ofIndonesia government (CMMAI), Led by Prof. Qin Yihong, an expert in theTeaching Supervision Group of Central South University, Prof. Chen Ailiang,Deputy Dean and other guidance teachers visited GEM Jingmen RecyclingIndustrial Park. GEM Deputy GeneralManager Dr. Zhang Yuping and Deputy General Manager Dr. Zhang Kun warmlyreceived the teachers and students from Central South University.

Teachers and students from Central SouthUniversity visited the “Urban Mine” Museum, the National Electronic WasteRecycling Engineering Technology Research Center, the E-waste Green TreatmentWorkshop, the Waste Power Battery Recycling Engineering Experimental Center,the ternary power battery raw material supply system, Environmental informationcontrol center, tungsten recycling system, high nickel precursor manufacturingcenter, and low-grade refractory raw material experiment center, etc. Thecontent of the visit not only covered GEM\'s entire process industrial chainfrom the waste end to the manufacturing end of the recycling industry, but alsothe teachers and students could more intuitively recognize the productionpractice site outside of book knowledge. During the visit, Dr. Li Qinxiang, thedeputy dean of the Institute of Waste Recycling and New Materials, introducedthe contents of GEM\'s research and development projects, experimental platformconstruction and scientific research personnel training to the teachers andstudents of Central South University. The teachers and students expressed theirheartfelt sighs for GEM\'s circular culture, the layout of the new energyindustry and the development of scientific research, especially the highproportion of investment and innovation models in research projects,experimental platforms and talent training.

In order to warmly welcome the teachers andstudents of Central South University, GEM held a welcome dinner at the JingmenPark Staff Activity Center. At thewelcome dinner, Indonesian students volunteered to showcase their talents andpushed the dinner atmosphere to a climax through interactive mini games. Theinternational students have expressed their gratitude for the training ofCentral South University and GEM\'s support. They will cherish the opportunityto study hard.

On December 22nd, the heads of counterparttraining of Central South University and GEM launched exchanges on the trainingplan, research direction, and subject direction of the Indonesian MetallurgicalEngineering Master Class. GEM will play the role of the platform of theNational Engineering Technology Research Center, equipped with the bestcorporate mentors, and impart the green concepts of global advanced high-endmaterials intelligent manufacturing, green manufacturing technology, andcircular development to Indonesian students. The two sides agreed toconcentrate their wisdom and joint efforts to train Indonesian students tobecome senior engineering and technical personnel in the field of metallurgy,and set up joint training courses as an excellent talent training model underthe framework of the "Belt and Road" between China and Indonesia, andactively respond to the Chinese government. The “Belt and Road Initiative” andthe Indonesian government\'s strategy of maritime power provide high-leveltalent support for the development and utilization of Indonesia\'s rich mineralresources and boost Indonesia\'s economic and social development. We believethat with the joint efforts of GEM and Central South University, we can addbeautiful scenery to the deep friendship between China and Indonesia people.

The heads all the business departments ofthe Jingmen GEM and doctors from the Institute of Waste Recycling and NewMaterials participated in the reception and exchange.


Pic 1 CSU teachers and students visit“Urban Mines” museum


Pic 2 Exchange Meeting


Pic 3 CSU teachers and students took groupphoto with GEM personnel

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