Warmly welcome Cao Guangjing, Vice Governor of Hubei Provincial People's Government and the delegations Visited GEM (Jingmen) Circular Economy Industrial Park
Publish Date:2020-05-15 Hits:1002

On the afternoon of May 11th, CaoGuangjing, vice governor of Hubei Provincial Government led a delegationinculding Wang Jianmin, head of Hubei Provincial Administration Office, WangQiyang director of Provincial Department of Economy and Information technology,Shi Zheng, director of Provincial Emergency Management Department, Duan Yindidirector of Provincial Local Financial Supervision Bureau, Zhong Zhiqing,deputy director of the Provincial Finance Department, and Hu Zhonghai, deputydirector of the Provincial Department of Commerce, visited the GEM (Jingmen)Circular Economy Industrial Park to investigate the resumption of work andproduction, epidemic prevention and enterprise’s emergency control systemconstruction. Professor Xu Kaihua, Secretary of the Party Committee andChairman of GEM, warmly received Vice Governor Cao Guangjing and the delegations.

After arriving at the entrance of the park,Cao Guangjing and the delegations done the body temperature check by theautomatic infrared temperature measurement system before entering the park.Then the delegations visited the NCM precursor manufacturing center, safetyproduction control center, and electronic waste green treatment center. Duringthe visit, Chairman Xu Kaihua firstly expressed his gratitude to the HubeiProvincial Party Committee and Provincial Government. First, thanks to the supportof the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, GEM has wonthe victory of the "epidemic war" and won the international marketdefense battle! Second is to thank the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and theprovincial government for their vigorous support for GEM, and promoted thedevelopment of GEM ’s recycling industry. Subsequently, Chairman Xu Kaihua introduced the three mainstreamconcepts of “main business, leading products and mainstream market” to the ViceGovernor Cao Guangjing and the delegations, which achieved the status of theglobal core market and at the same time demonstrated the precursors of GEM ’spower battery material production process flow, electronic waste greendismantling mode, 24-hour full coverage information monitoring system forhazardous sources in the park, and an emergency simulation of the accidentusing the online fire alarm broadcast and video system in the safety productioncontrol center, showing GEM’s effectiveness of rectification. Chairman Xu Kaihuasaid that he will actively build a world-class "green + safety +intelligent" factory and create a green industrial park with a deepintegration of "production, life and ecology".

Vice Governor Cao Guangjing and hisdelegation fully recognized GEM\'s achievements in epidemic prevention andcontrol, safety governance, green transformation and resumption of work andproduction. Vice Governor Cao expressed his appreciation for GEM\'s greenrecycling industry concept and the business model of "exploiting urbanmines” and will give full support for GEM to develop green industries in Hubei.

Subsequently, Chairman Xu Kaihua attendedthe symposium hosted by Vice Governor Cao Guangjing. At the symposium, ChairmanXu Kaihua reported to the Vice Governor Cao Guangjing and the delegations asthe enterprise representative in detail about the GEM epidemic prevention andcontrol, the resumption of work and production, the revitalization ofoperations and the future circular industry development plan in Hubei. However,also problems that need to be solved by the Provincial Party Committee andProvincial Government to revitalize operations. The leaders of the provincial departments have spoken and expressedtheir will give full support for GEM ’s revitalization of operations, providinga full range of services for the development of GEM ’s recycling industry,helping GEM to make good use of various policies for post-epidemicrevitalization, and pushing GEM to continue to win the global epidemicprevention war and revitalize business protection war, make the recyclingindustry bigger and stronger in Hubei.

GEM Deputy General Manager Zhang Kunaccompanied this visit.


Pic 1 Cao Guangjing, vice governor (firstright, front row) and the delegations entered the park through the infraredbody temperature automatic detection system


Pic 2 Vice Governor Cao Guangjing and thedelegations inspected the fire brigade of Jingmen Park


Pic 3 Cao Guangjing, Vice Governor (firstfrom the leftfront row) and thedelegation visited the Waste Electronic Green Treatment Center

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