Release a Green Declaration, Play a Triumphant Song for Green Development
Publish Date:2020-06-10 Hits:1087

June 5, 2020 is the 49th World EnvironmentDay. In the name of China\'s listed company on environmental protection , GEMreleased the "Green Declaration" to the world, standing at the heightof its mission to promote the development of the world\'s green industry andcombating the global climate deterioration, and made a clear commitment torecognize the UN\'s sustainable development goals and actively implement"carbon neutrality" activities, Following the new development conceptof "ecological priority, green development", through the constructionof waste recycling plants around the world, the development of green materials,to make effective use of resources, energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions,and build a community of human destiny to make green contributions. Cooperatewith global companies to build a green industry chain, refuse to use non-greenproducts and products and raw materials that do not meet global socialresponsibility, share the fate with humanity, be a green citizen of the Earth,and be a practitioner of the development of the world\'s green industry!

The "Green Declaration" has atotal of 10 articles from three levels: "green ethics", "greenmanagement" and "green strive", which comprehensively describesthe green guideline to be followed by GEM in moral ethics, managementactivities, production activities, innovation activities and culturalactivities. The Declaration is undoubtedly a green law for business operations,which fully demonstrates the ideals, missions and responsibilities of Chineseenvironmental protection enterprises in promoting the progress and developmentof green industries, green technologies and green civilization in the world.

The "Green Declaration" clearlyproposes to abide by the green moral concept of "the harmoniouscoexistence of man and nature", to follow "the law of nature"and "the unity of man and nature". To make desires and behaviorsgreen, and to refuse to eat wild animals and animals and plants that has beenbanned for consumption in the world and ensure that every coin earned and everyreward obtained is not at the cost of sacrificing the environment anddestroying nature. There is no doubt that the "Green Declaration"explains the green corporate social responsibility standards of futureenterprises.

As a waste recycling company, why shouldGEM issue the "Green Declaration"?

Prof. Xu Kaihua, founder and chairman ofGEM, said: "Today, the background of the world is green, and China isimplementing a tough battle against pollution. GEM is a Chinese superiorenvironmental protection enterprise that is rapidly developing with the supportof various policies from the Chinese government and the Chinese capital market.It must dare to become a practitioner of green ideas, a developer of greenindustries, and a fighter of tough battle against pollution. GEM\'s originalintention is green. GEM is the first enterprise in the world to propose theindustrial concept of "Limited Resources Unlimited Recycling". Thefirst issue of the "Green Declaration" is to respond to thechallenges posed by the current global epidemic, actively participate in theconstruction of a global green value chain, better integrate into the largegreen supply chain in the world, and watch each other with global upstream anddownstream partners, establish a green responsibility of sharing the destinywith mankind and the Earth, to jointly win the global epidemic battle, and tocreate a better future together. The second is to call on all employees tostrengthen their original intention of green development, adhere to greenindustry sentiment, condense the spirit of green strive, establish correctgreen values, unswervingly develop waste recycling green industry, enhance theprofitability of green industry, and create good returns for investors, andcontribute to the victory of the Chinese environmental protection defensebattle! "

In 2019, GEM achieved revenue of 14.4billion RMB and a net profit of 740 million RMB, ranking 5th among Chineseenvironmental protection enterprises (1st in private sector) and Top 500Chinese manufacturing enterprises. 20 years ago, GEM was still a green dream.On Dec 28, 2001, GEM, meaning Green Manufacturing, a name with a green dream,was established in Shenzhen by Prof. Xu Kaihua.

Over the past 20 years, with the support ofvarious policies of the Chinese government, and started with the industrialconcept of "Limited Resources Unlimited Recycling" and the greenconcept of "exploiting urban mines, lighting up beautiful China" GEMovercome key technologies in the field of waste recycling, continuouslyexpanded the layout of the waste recycling industry, and developed into aleader in China\'s circular economy, a world leader in waste recycling, and thehead of the supply chain of the world\'s cemented carbide industry and the newenergy industry. It has written the industry legend of the world\'s wasterecycling and is one of the successful cases of innovation and entrepreneurshipin China\'s environmental protection field.

In terms of innovation, GEM hascontinuously invested in R&D, introduced core talents, and invested morethan 3 billion yuan in R&D. It has overcome a series of key technologies ofwaste battery recycling, waste electronic recycling, scrapped vehiclesrecycling, scarce resource recycling and new energy material manufacturing,obtained more than 1900 core patents, led the revision of more than 220 nationalstandards, has won several national scientific and technological progressawards, has become a "pillars of a great power" in the field of wasterecycling, ranking among China\'s top 300 patents and Top 20 comprehensivetechnological innovation capabilities, approved to set up the NationalElectronic Waste Recycling Engineering Technology Research Center and theNational Enterprise Technology Center, made a significant contribution to thetechnological progress of China’s waste recycling industry and green development,and became the world’s used batteries, electronic waste, scrapped vehicles andleading enterprise in the recycling of scarce resources.

In terms of business, GEM started fromrecycling small batteries and cobalt-nickel resources, to recycling electronicwaste, scrapped vehicles, power batteries, and to recycling and remanufacturingternary materials, lithium cobalt oxide materials, cobalt tetroxide and otherpower battery and digital battery materials. GEM has not only become China\'sleading waste comprehensive treatment enterprise, but also the world\'s leadingsupplier in the field of new energy, achieving the dual-track driving model of"urban mines + new energy materials".

In terms of industrial layout and scale,GEM has grown from a base to 16 parks in 11 provinces and cities, covering3,000 kilometers of China, with more than 4 million tons of waste recovered andprocessed annually. The annual recycling of electronic waste accounts for 10%of China’s total scrap, and the recycling of used batteries (except lead-acidbatteries) accounts for 10% of China’s total scrap. The recycling of cobaltresources exceed China’s original cobalt mining, the recycling of nickelresources account for 8% of China’s nickel mining, the recycling of tungsten resourcesaccount for 5% of China’s original tungsten mining, the recycling of germaniumresources account for 6% of global production, and the remanufacturing of precursor of new energy ternary powerbatteries materials account for 20% of the world market, and theremanufacturing of ultra-fine cobalt powder materials account for more than 50%of the world market, and recycling 25 kinds of scarce resources such as nickel,cobalt and tungsten, supporting China\'s mainstream supply and made asignificant contribution to China\'s construction of a recycling society and theimplementation of green development concepts. GEM has been awarded nationalgreen and innovation honors such as the National Circular Economy EducationDemonstration Base, the National Primary and Secondary School EnvironmentalEducation Social Practice Base, the National Green Factory, and the NationalInnovative Enterprise. In January 2018, as the only environmental protectioncompany in China, together with IKEA, Philips, Google and other internationalcompanies, won the "Silver Medal of the Global Circular EconomyMultinational Corporation" of the Davos Forum, becoming a symbol ofChina\'s circular economy going to the world.

In the past three years, GEM has activelyinvested in South Africa, Indonesia, and South Korea, connected with the “Beltand Road” initiative with green industries, and actively participated in globalwaste recycling green industry cooperation.

On the morning of July 22, 2013, GeneralSecretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President and Chairman of theCentral Military Commission Xi Jinping visited GEM’s E-waste recycling facilityin Wuhan. General Secretary Xi highly praised GEM’s achievements and made thefollowing observation:

“Turning waste into treasure through recyclingis a promising sunrise industry. Wastes are misplaced resources. Turningrubbish into resources and transforming waste into wealth are not only sciencebut also arts. Hope GEM will make persistent efforts in the future!”

Wise always plan ahead and seize theopportunity. As the proposer of the industry concept of "Limited ResourcesUnlimited Recycling”, GEM released the "Green Declaration" today 20years later, taking advantage of the wind of the green industry era, andheading towards the world leading enterprise in green development!



GEM\'s Global Recycling Industry Layout



GEM Recycling Park


GEM Waste PCBs Recycling Line


GEM Scrapped Vehicles Recycling Line


GEM Waste Home-appliances Recycling Line


GEM Power Battery Disassembly and UtilizationLine


GEM High Nickel Ternary MaterialsRemanufacturing Line

GEM Green Declarations

GEM Co., Ltd.

Issued on 5th June 2020

1. Green Ethics

Article 1: We are GEM, upholding a greendream. To be green is the deep aspiration of GEM. We have “green” bloodflowing, and we regard green as the light of life. We adhere to the industrialconcept of "limited resources and unlimited recycling" put forward bythe founder of GEM, fulfill the green mission of "Recycling for thefuture!", and realize the green values of" Eliminating Pollution, Recycling Resources, BenefitingMankind." With the vision of ExploitingUrban Mines, Establishing World\'s Advanced Green Factories” and building upwaste recycling plants around the world, we develop green materials and makegreen contributions on behalf of Chinese enterprises to the effective use ofresources and energy, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, for the purpose ofbuilding a community of human destiny.

Article 2: We follow the GlobalEnvironmental Compact of the Paris Agreement, agree with the UN SustainableDevelopment Goals and actively implement "carbon neutrality"activities. We follow the new developmental concept of "ecologicalpriority, green development", to share the destiny with mankind, and to begreen citizens of the Earth and practitioners on the development of the globalgreen industry.

Article 3: We pursue the green moralconcept of "the harmonious coexistence of man and nature", follow"Taoism law of nuture" and "the unity of man and nature". Wekeep striving to correct our desires and behaviors in a bid to conform tonature and avoid any harm to both nature and human living environment We upholdthe belief that “the great virtue is like water”; thus, we respect all animals’and plants’ right to life, refuse to eat wild animals and other animals andplants that are globally-banned. We guarantee that every hard-earned coin andcent we acquire through efforts is not at the cost of the sacrifice of theenvironment and destruction of nature.

Article 4: We follow green socialresponsibility, disseminate green ideas, fully open environmental and socialresponsibility information to the public, actively participate in greenassistance activities and environmental public welfare activities, supportcivil environmental protection and green public welfare activities, and supportemployees to participate in green volunteer activities. We Oppose all actionsthat violate environmental protection and green development, speak for theEarth cleanness and the nature greenness, and continue to increase thegreenness of the Earth and nature with our endless efforts.

2. Green management

Article 5: The company’s business activitiesare guided by the principles of reducing the Earth\'s environmental load and improvingthe Earth\'s environmental carrying capacity. It follows global laws andregulations on environmental protection and green development, and cooperateswith global companies to build a green industrial-supply and full life cyclevalue chain. The value chain rejects the use of non-green products and productsand raw materials that do not comply with global social responsibility, reducesthe use of products with high environmental loads, and achieves the harmonious unificationof economic benefits and social responsibility through economical recycling.

Article 6: The company\'s productionactivities abide by the 3R principles of circular economy (Reduce, Reuse,Recycle), carry out full-process ecological design (Eco-design), adopt greentechnologies, implement cleaner production, and continuously improveenvironmental treatment facilities. It completes the safe disposal andrecycling of waste gas, waste water, waste residues and various wastesgenerated by production activities so as to ensure that various emissions meetinternational standards, for the purpose of minimizing the impact of productionactivities on the environment. It continues to promote the reduction of wastesources and the utilization of resources to minimize the generation of waste. TheGEM builds global green factories, promotes the integration of"production, living and ecology", and promotes bluer sky, greenerland and clearer water in the world.

Article 7: The company\'s business activitiesare dominated by adherence to waste recycling and green materialremanufacturing. The main funds are used to develop waste recycling and greenmaterials. It actively participates in the construction of waste-free cities.

Article 8: The company\'s innovationactivities are dominated by the development of green technologies for wasterecycling and green materials. It continues to develop green technologies forwaste recycling, to play a technological and innovative role in the developmentof the global waste recycling industry, and to share with peers around theworld on technical progress and industrial achievements in the field of wastecirculation.

Article 9: The company\'s culturalactivities are carried out with the theme of "Recycling for future!"and "Promoting the progress of global green civilization" to theworld, so as to actively promote green consumption and green procurement. Throughoutthe company’s business activities, production activities, employee work,employee life, etc., we spread green ideas, introduce green culture, carry outall staff waste sorting-out activities, advocate resource conservation and energyconservation, reduce emissions and the use of non-green products, promote allemployees to "speak green words, do green things, eat green food, andpractice green lifestyles", implement factories opening doors, build acircular economy communication platform, and spread green ideas and greenindustrial practices to the world.

3. Green Strive

Article 10: We voluntarily choose tocontribute wisdom and strength to the development of the green industry in theworld. We guard each other with GEM and build and share together on the greendevelopment platform of GEM, working hard to exhaust all our life energy. We promotethe progress and development of world’s green industry, green technology andgreen civilization. We always protect the green, share the destiny with mankindand the Earth, never give up, move forward bravely, and make unremittingefforts to realize the green dream and green value of mankind!

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Address:20/F, Building A, Rongchao Binhai Mansion, Haixiu Road, New Centre District, Bao'an, Shenzhen, China



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