National Engineering Research Center of WEEE Recycling Held Inauguration to Celebrate the Founding of Strategy Consultancy Committee
Publish Date:2021-04-06 Hits:678

On March 31, 2021, the National Engineering Research Center of WEEE Recycling (hereinafter referred to National Engineering Center) held the inauguration to celebrate the founding of Strategy Consultancy Committee in GER Jingmen Industrial Park. The inauguration was presided over by Dr. Qin Yufei, GER Chairman and Executive Director of National Engineering Center.

The Strategy Consultancy Committee is a consultancy and deliberative body set up in the National Engineering Center, whose members include the academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, professors of famous universities, industry leaders and other experts. It analyzes hot and difficult technical problems in China’s circular economy by means of regular workshops and individual consultation, and makes industry development suggestions and technical guidance.

On behalf of the National Engineering Center, Dr. Qin Yufei issued letters of appointment to the members of the Strategy Consultancy Committee, inviting Professor Xu Kaihua, a national expert in circular economy and Board Chairman of GEM, to serve as the Chairman of the Strategy Consultancy Committee. At the same time, the Academician Chen Yong, the Academician Nie Zuoren, Professor Guo Xueyi and Professor Xu Zhenming were invited as the Honorary Chairmen.

Dr. Qin Yufei said that the Strategy Consultancy Committee will strengthen the development strategy decision-making and top-level design of the National Engineering Center, and provide forward-looking and strategic guidance for the National Engineering Center to make long-term development plan, and train talents for the key tech projects.

Professor Xu Kaihua, Chairman of the Strategy Consultancy Committee, said that the National Engineering Center should closely follow the theme of high-quality green development, embrace the development model of carbon emission peak and carbon neutrality, adopt innovative ideas and jointly tackle key problems, so as to make greater contributions to serving major national strategies. The members will fully support the development of the National Engineering Center and provide maximum support.

The inauguration was also attended by Dr. Guo Miaomiao, Deputy PM of GER and Deputy Director of the National Engineering Center, and Ma Lin, Deputy PM of GER and Deputy Director of the National Engineering Center.

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