GEM and CATARC Signed MOU on Strategic Cooperation
Publish Date:2021-10-31 Hits:680

On October 26, 2021, GEM and CATARC signed in Tianjin the MOU of strategic cooperation on “carbon neutrality targets motivate comprehensive use of automotive resources”. The signing ceremony was attended by CATARC President Feng Yi, CATARC Eco-business Department Manager Xu Shujie, GEM Vice President Zhang Yuping and GEM Tianjin Industrial Park GM Zhang Zhenzhong, etc.

The strategic cooperation on “carbon neutrality targets motivate comprehensive use of automotive resources” makes in-depth studies that focus on current development and trend of power battery recycling and producer responsibility of automotive products, big data empowering and enhancing comprehensive use of automotive resources, future technologies of disassembling and recycling hydrogen fuel battery vehicles, identification and quantitative evaluation of key carbon-reduction steps in comprehensive use of automotive resources.

At the signing ceremony, the two parties reviewed the wonderful foundation of partnership. They would follow the philosophy of sincere cooperation, mutual benefits and win-win, facilitate their work progress and endeavor to build the new model of green & low-carbon circular development. Before conclusion, GEM Vice President Zhang Yuping signed the MOU of strategic cooperation with CATARC President Feng Yi.

The signing ceremony kicked off the new chapter of GEM & CATARC partnership in comprehensive use of automotive resources. The two parties will continue to share resources, complement their advantages and adopt the innovative collaboration model, so as to steadily promote technical studies, fulfil their CSR and missions, jointly facilitate efficient and effective use of automotive resources, establish the new development in automotive industry featuring green elements and high quality, help realize carbon peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060, and contribute GEM wisdom and power to addressing the global climate change.

Picture 1 Signing ceremony

Picture 2 Signing ceremony

Picture 3 Group photo

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