Congratulation on the Successful Installation of the High-pressure Reactor(1,168m³) for QMB Phase II & GEM (Indonesia) Nickel Resources Project
Publish Date:2024-01-22 Hits:2089

On the morning of January 19, 2024, the high-pressure reactor(1,168m³) installation ceremony of QMB Phase II & GEM (Indonesia) Nickel Resource Project was held at GEM QMB Park. Mr. Hastoro Ugi Pramurianto, representative of Indonesian Customs, Mr. Beta Putra Sarjana, representative of the Department of Taxation, Professor Li Jizhen, Vice Dean of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management, Mr. Su Desen, assistant President of IMIP, Professor Xu Kaihua, Board Chairman of GEM, and representatives of QMB shareholders, partners, suppliers, including Tsingshan Holdings, Merdeka, Hengjia, BDM, as well as representatives of companies in the IMIP Park, etc., with a total of more than 200 people attending the installation ceremony.

In his passionate speech at the installation ceremony, Chairman Xu Kaihua first expressed his gratitude to the Indonesian government for providing a conducive business environment and strong policy support, and particularly to Minister Luhut of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment for his continued strong support. Chairman Xu Kaihua, specifically emphasized that the Indonesian government's approval of QMB as an Indonesian Free Trade Zone is the best proof of Indonesia's globally superior business environment. Chairman Xu Kaihua expressed his gratitude to IMIP Park and Xiang Guangda, Chairman of Tsingshan Holding Group, all QMB shareholders, project development partners and construction units for their efforts in promoting project  construction. Chairman Xu Kaihua pointed out that the existing two 1,168m³ high-pressure reactors are the core equipment for wet leaching (HPAL) of QMB Phase II & GEM (Indonesia) Nickel Resources Project, and the production capacity of one reactor can reach more than 22,000 tons of nickel metal/year, which is one of the largest and highest production capacity equipment in the field of wet metallurgical high pressure leaching (HPAL) of nickel laterite ore in the world at present. This is another major progress made by the engineering technology level of China's enterprises on the basis of the success of the first phase project of the QMB nickel laterite ore hydrometallurgy (HPAL) project in achieving overproduction production and operation, and at the same time, it marks a breakthrough in Indonesia's hydrometallurgical technology progress, and it is also a joint achievement between China and Indonesia in the field of technological cooperation in the field of high-pressure nickel laterite ore hydrometallurgy (HPAL) refining!

Sailing the seas through the waves, and bravely standing on the waves for a new journey! Throwing back to 2017, Chairman Xu Kaihua, as the first entrepreneur in China's new energy industry, went to Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, to investigate the project, and with the webbing and tread of the waves, he has built the world's first nickel laterite wet metallurgy high-pressure leaching production line, which was independently designed, built and operated by the company. It has broken through the industrial embargo on key equipment and key devices, using 95% Chinese equipment, localizing technical research and design in Indonesia, and becoming the world leader in terms of technical level, quality level, and economic level of project operation, which fully achieves the goal of "Chinese technology is shared with the world"! Looking ahead, Chairman Xu Kaihua said that QMB will build on the brilliant performance of the Phase I project in achieving and exceeding production capacity, seize the momentum and move forward in waves to ensure that QMB Phase II project, ESG project in QMB Park and other projects are completed as soon as possible, forming a total production capacity of 123,000 tons of nickel metal/year, and completing the first production line for ultra-high nickel ternary precursor materials in Indonesia by June 2024, thus quickly realizing the industry's ideal of "investing laterite nickel ore and perfecting battery materials". Thereby, the company can do its utmost to promote the development of high-quality nickel resources, process electrification, and the development of new energy sources in Indonesia!

Afterwards, Wu Yu (Indonesian), a graduate of the first batch of Indonesian Government-GEM-CSU joint engineering master's international training class in material science and metallurgical technology and QMB HPAL engineer, delivered a bilingual speech in Chinese and Indonesian with the theme "Sailing on the green dream of metallurgy and running towards the Golden Indonesia 2045", expressing the yearning of young Indonesian achievers for the development of Indonesia's metallurgical technology and the promotion of the Golden Indonesia 2045 strategy with the assistance of Chinese company GEM.

Mr. Hastoro Ugi Pramurianto, representative of the Indonesian Government Customs, Dong Jinjun, representative of the shareholders, and Li Dong, representative of the constructor 22 Metallurgy, delivered speeches on stage to congratulate the successful placement of the reactor, and stated that they will continue to work with QMB to face new challenges together!

Professor Li Jizhen of Tsinghua University said in his speech that QMB Park, built with the design concept of "Technology + Intelligence + Green", is a model for Chinese entrepreneurs to successfully venture overseas, and he firmly believes that more Chinese entrepreneurs will embark on overseas trips under the guidance of the overseas spirit of leading overseas entrepreneurs such as Chairman Xu Kaihua. Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management hopes to empower the development of new energy in Indonesia, learn from the development model of China-Indonesia joint training program for international masters in metallurgical engineering established by Chairman Xu Kaihua, and develop more Indonesian talents, so as to effectively grow together with the Indonesian government, Indonesian enterprises, and Indonesian society!

At the closing ceremony, Chairman Xu Kaihua and all leaders and guests cut the ribbon for the installation ceremony.

Peng Yaguang, deputy general manager of GEM and general manager of QMB, and Li Jinping, assistant general manager of GEM, also attended the installation ceremony.

High-pressure Reactor(1,168m³) Installation Ceremony of QMB Phase II & GEM (Indonesia) Nickel Resource Project

Ribbon Cutting for High-pressure Reactor(1,168m³) Installation Ceremony of QMB Phase II & GEM (Indonesia) Nickel Resource Project

Prof. Xu Kaihua, Board Chairman of GEM delivered a speech

Hastoro Ugi Pramurianto, Customs Representative, Government of Indonesia delivered a speech

Profesor Li Jizhen, Vice Dean of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management delivered a speech

Dong Jinjun, Shareholder Representative of Tsingshan Holding delivered a speech

Li Dong of 22 Metallurgy, representative of QMB construction party delivered a speech

Wu Yu, a graduate of the first batch of Indonesian Government-GEM-CSU joint engineering master's international training class in material science and metallurgical technology and QMB HPAL engineer delivered a speech

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